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Motivation, the key to getting things done. We'll link a few videos that can explain the topic in more depth and some videos that you can use to pep you up for the short term. But I would also quickly like to explain the BeastLiftz philosophy on motivation

 Egotistic desire (hate) vs Grounded desire (love)

What this means is what context are your desires based on? Desire is the key to motivation without it you won't go far. An egotistic desire can work for certain people but generally not sustainable.

An egotistic desire is based on separation and superiority from other people. With most ego conquests there is a impatience as it can be a situation where you want to show your ability now to someone. This impatience can be detrimental as most people give up before they see results.
 A desire to use your physical assets to attract the opposite sex for e.g is a type of egotistic desire. Even tho that is an attractive and motivating thought the desire usually isn't strong enough to carry the work effort to achieve those goals.
Another egotistic desire is to prove people wrong and use anger to get bigger and stronger. This can be helpful in the short term, But anger and pain can wear you down. Emotionally it is draining and hormonally will raise cortisol which has the opposite effects of growth. Don't get me wrong, You can get angry to pump yourself up during a lift, But putting that anger into a grounded context being a more focused aggression to smash your goals without disdain or a victim mentality of trying to prove your worth to someone. Internalize your worth to yourself, Don't try to project your worth as it gives more power to your foe and the negative.

Grounded desire is much more sustainable. Grounded is a love for what your doing. As touched on before anger is not sustainable but love is infinite.
 Love, Excitement, Abundance creates a perpetual motion for energy which propels you closer to your goals.

A grounded goal is you having the awareness of wanting to be the best you can be and pushing yourself to improve. It's doing it to inspire others. To be a protector. To represent values and ideas of discipline, positivity and strength. As you can see grounded desire is a for life attitude not a quick fix. It's deeper than the physical form and is something that you don't do for washboard abs to impress the masses. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that you can have those short term goals of impressing people but make sure it's backed up with some meaning for what you want to represent, What you want to embody. You'll have a much greater chance of staying motivated and sticking to your goals.

Now to the videos...



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