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1. Time Block
 When you don't set time limits on tasks you can end up dabbling in a task for hours on end and not even realising how long it's been. When you set a deadline to a task there is a sense of urgency. You naturally become more productive and problem solve  in your mind how to get that specific task done in the time frame. This creates a much more intentional motivated output of work.

2. Dont do "To-do lists" create a  calendar schedule.

To do lists Are kindaaa great as they give us direction. But life is too random and things pop up through the day all the time. As this happens because you don't have set times of when to do things you keep pushing your to-do list back and become reactive. You then do the things that you seem to be urgent or polite to others. You need to look in specific times and be uncompromisable to other requests. This will mean a lot of saying no to other people but it's imperative to keep on track with your goals.

3. Pomodoro Technique:

 We touched on with time blocking. Now you might ask how do I keep my output at a high level if I even time block certain to do's for 2 to 4 hours? A great technique is the Pomodoro technique. This is the technique of working for 25 mins and then taking a 5 min break And then working another 25 and another 5-minute break until whenever your desired time block ends. In this 5 minutes, You can stretch, Get some fresh air, Have a cup of coffee. It just gives you that small time to refresh your mind so you can keep as productive as possible. Some people don't like the 25 to 5-minutee time limit. If you are one of them feel free to do a 50 minute to 10-minute rest ratio.

4. Turn off distractions

A lot of people think there productive, But really there half doing work and half scrolling on facebook while getting the odd text here and there talking about who's going out with who. if you want to truly do deep productive work turn everything off. Turn your phone, TV, Internet (if not needed). There are even programs to block certain sites to keep you from getting distracted. This will without doubt increase the amount of work you get down and the quality!

5. Meditation

Meditation is not only great for stress relieving, anxiety and overall brain health but it's great for focus and awareness. With meditation, you learn to stay in the present moment and focus on the given task. It also practises awareness as you can realise when your mind has wandered off. With the new age technology, Most people's minds are so scattered because there so many different distractions and noise. Many people aren't even aware that they've been completely unconscious thinking about something totally unrelated to the task at hand. Meditation is a great way not only to get you in a relaxed state before work but also the awareness and focus so your mind can stay on track.

Hope you enjoyed the first beyond fitness blog post. Just as gym is a discipline, there are so many other disciplines out there that compliment the lifestyle and most importantly are results. If you can't organise yourself in other aspects of life your most likely to fall off when it comes to things like consistently working out or meal prep. BeastLiftz is all about representing the complete person mind, body and spirit.

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