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First off I wanna say this. Fitness lifestyle is a commitment. This is not something you do for a week and then give up and stay jacked for the rest of your life. Just like everything in life if you're not pushing forward you're going backwards.Gym really is a beautiful reality check for life as it is a physical representation of progress. A lot of things in life you cannot see progress as they do not stand out as much as something visible. So we don't know that success is just around the corner. But at the end day, There are laws to success you put in the work you'll get the results. Also educated yourself to put in optimal work and you'll get better results. Most people miss one of the equation and sometimes both. Life is duality you need the lows to appreciate the high's you win or you learn. When you can truly appreciate these polar opposites and keep improving upon yourself you become more than a person, you represent an idea.

Anyways enough ranting and let's get into why you might not be getting those desired results!


How hard your workout really depends on the rest time. It is so important to have a stopwatch on to see how long you truly rest for. You can get caught up in conversations or even day dreaming and you can lose the whole intensity of the workout. If you're doing strength that's fine, Rest as long as you need to have enough energy to move that weight. But with bodybuilding you need to keep the pressure on the muscles. With less rest you create a bigger pump that creates cell swelling, Which leads to muscle growth. Also more lacting acid build up leads to increase in natural growth hormones. So use your watch as a reference a good time range is from 30sec to 2mins max.


When putting on weight, you need to put in more calories than you are burning. There is an obsession with being lean with 6 pack abs. The reality is that you can't build muscles when your in a calorie deficit. So many people that cut actually lose muscle. What you need to do is do a lean bulk so you gradually increase weight, But not to an extent where you get fat which is terrible bad for building muscles as you have more estrogen than testorone. One way were you can put on as much mass as possible and stay lean is carb cycling. This is where you have 5 days on with carbs and then 2 days off. We will explain that in detail in a later article.


If you don't know whta compound lifts are and you want to gain mass all I can say is good luck! Because it is very unlikely to happen unless your a genetic freak. Compound lifts are multi joint exercises like bench, Deadlift, Squats and pull ups to name a few. This basically means a exercise working more than one muscle group. With compound lifts because your working a bigger ratio of your body that puts a stress on your body that makes you release more testosterone when working out. Also more potential for muscle breakdown which will be rebuilt into bigger muscles. What most people do is isolation workouts like leg extensions, Bicep curls, Skull crushers, Lateral raises etc. I'm not saying that you should neglect isolation exercises, But there sole purpose is to bring in definition and shape to a particular area. When you're building a house you start with the foundation laying the bricks, Building the walls the roof and then you do the pretty stuff like painting the walls detailing and so on. Same with bodybuilding at the start of te workout hit your compounds for the mass and then burn the remaining muscle fibres out to bring in the detail and shape.


If you want to constantly improve you need to know what you need to improve on. Most people don't even know what foods that ate 2 days ago or what weight they were lifting for there squats a week ago. If you don't track, You can't beat your previous performance and also can't troubleshoot for why you look a certain way compared to your goals. By tracking results you can go "ok, I'm losing alot of weight when my goals are to be heavier. Instead of eating 200grams carbs a day as I have been i'll bump it up to 250". It's handy aswell, As you have a log to see what programs work with your body and what doesn't, So you can choose the most optimal program in the future.


If you want to have the body of dreams realize that there is a price to pay. To achieve goals there has to be consistency. We all know of the new years resolutions of people going hard the first week and all dropping off. The problem is people want that rocky moment straight away of being the champ of the world but completely turn off the reality of hard work. Let your long term goals fuel a list of short term goals. Don't just see the long term goal and block out the reality. Also you need to grow with thirst for knowledge and patience. Slowly building up the knowledge to train properly and overtime cultivating the work ethic. You may start of with 10 min walks, Then 20 mins on the treadmill, Then 30 mins weightlifting and so on. Many people want the quick result and rev there engines at 110 backed up by limited knowledge equaling limited results. From that you burn out very quickly and then will have a negative perspective and low interest in starting over again. Place a brick as well as you can each day and overtime you will build a great foundation.

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